Duvel/Moortgat Brewery
Developed By:
DiMassimo Carr
Showcase Description:
This is a campaign of in-bar posters and placemats created to boost awareness and trial of Duvel, a blonde Belgian ale.
We wanted viewers to get involved with the work and create a buzz around the bar that would get people talking and increase trial.
Duvel, which means Devil in Flemish, is a slightly pricier beer with a rather high alcohol content of 8.5%. Known for being an indulgent experience, the beer offers an unusually large, lustrous head and a mesmerizing swirl of bubbles that rise from the bottom of the glass. It抯 a sensuous experience meant to be savored. The tagline "repent tomorrow" invites consumers to let go and indulge, not only in the Duvel, but in their whole approach to the evening.
Executive Creative Director
Mark DiMassimo
Creative Directors
Sally Hogshead, Rich Buceta
Sandy Weber Neidhart
Art Director
Kevin Gentile
Alex Freund